Jeanna's Christmas Trees

I think recently, full of the holiday spirit, I've been making snarky comments about Christmas trees and how it's so wrong to cut down trees just to put in your house. Then my very insightful and good friend Jeanna told me I was wrong, and told me she'd fill me in later.

I spent the next couple of days contemplating that, and then I decided that it made sense. Fake trees are made out of plastic and are not bio-degradable. Real trees are planted yearly on Christmas tree farms, which is good for our environment! They aren't being cut down from forests, which means that (unlike what I was thinking) it isn't adding to deforestation by any means.

I think a problem I still have with Christmas trees is just that, if you buy one to last you forever, you aren't spending as much money than if you buy a real one every year. So that's my two cents about that.

Don't get me started on the holidays though. Two words: consumerist brainwashing.

Happy Holidays!


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