Adventures with the Diva Cup

Hello, menstruation!

It's been a couple months. I missed you.

I recently finished a book which I would highly recommend to all women and any man who loves a woman. It's called "Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation" by Elissa Stein and Susan Kim. It is all about periods - everything you ever wanted to know, didn't know you didn't know, the history of menstruation, the cultural and historical attitudes, loads of interesting information about what the fem care industry and birth control companies are trying to tell us, and much more. From a literary standpoint, not the greatest (some intense bias and a lot of chapters that end with rhetorical questions); but for all those inquisitive minds like mine (hats off to you, Jeanna and Kat), a lovely read. You'll feel enlightened to be sure.

It's also been a very lovely form of method acting as I try to grasp my character in "The Vagina Monologues," which is coming up in a couple of months! All you who are able, end of Febs, M-Shop, fundraiser for ACCESS Women's Shelter in Ames -- be there.

I have lots of thoughts and fun facts I could share, but the most important thing I took away from the book is this: menstruation is beautiful; tons of blood soaked tampons and pads in landfills, not so beautiful. There are a couple of alternatives (like re-usable pads that get washed in the laundry or dead sponges), but the one that seemed the most likely for me to switch to is a new little friend called The Diva Cup.

I had already been eyeing Miss Diva at Wheatsfield, but after reading Flow, I couldn't not buy one. I had been planning on waiting to buy it until after I used up my current stash of tampons, but then my period started about the same day I finished the book (interesting), and I just couldn't wait. I rushed to Wheatsfield and purchased my first Diva Cup.

The Diva Cup is just one of many versions of menstrual cups available to Green Goddesses(-wannabees) like myself. Other brands are The Keeper, The Moon Cup, and Lunette. The menstrual cup is a reusable cup which is folded and then inserted into the vagina like a tampon (minus the applicator). It creates a suction and catches the blood, then you pull it out, empty the blood, wash the cup, and reuse. It's so simple! For me, the hardest thing (which I would have previously put my foot down about) is that you have to use your fingers to guide Miss Diva into your vag. But I've been getting acquainted with my "eccentric tulip" for the Vagina Monologues, and this was just another way to do that.

I'll be honest, it was really really weird the first time I put it in. But nobody was home, I laughed by myself a lot, and after some rotating, leg lifting, etc., I finally got it. And then... nothing. It was just like having a tampon in. And taking it out was easy, and dumping the contents out was easy, and by the time round two of insertion took place, I felt like a pro.

What can I say? It may be something that takes time to sit in with some of you, but here's what should really help you at least consider this as an option: the average woman will throw away 250 to 300 POUNDS of tampons, pads, and applicators in her lifetime (pg. 235). And don't play ignorant: that waste isn't getting recycled in any way, shape, or form; it's going into our landfills, our dumps, our earth. This is just one simple way to cut back on this bloody mess. Plus, you'll definitely save money over time with the cup - it can be reused for years, if properly maintained.

And I won't even get into the issue of some of the dioxins, bleaches, etc. found in most tampons. Maybe they haven't bothered you. But we've only been using tampons for less than 100 years - who knows if there may be longer term risks.

Anyway, I want to end on an fun note. Here are some intercultural ways to let someone know you're "on the rag."
Netherlands - "The Tomatoe Soup is Overcooked."
Brazilian - "I'm with Chico"
Chinese - "Little Sister Has come"
Latin America - "Jenny has a Red Dress on"
Australia - "I've Got the Flags Out"
Denmark - "There are Communists in the Funhouse"
Ireland - "I'm wearing a Jam Rag"

and many more, if you grab yourself a copy of Flow.

Bleed on, my ladies, bleed on.

P.S. PLEASE comment. I have had so many fun and interesting conversations with people via Facebook in regards to numerous posts I've put up. The purpose of this blog is to have a conversation HERE. If you have a thought, please post it here, and post it with confidence. Trust me - you're not the only one thinking whatever it is you are itching to say to me. So just do it - comment!


Unknown said...

I love my Keeper! Definitely a great purchase. I've introduced "Aunt Flo has come for a visit" to Koreans. They are mildly horrified.

Steven E.A. said...

My favorite is, "There are communists in the funhouse."

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